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Why is Gaganyaan Mission Important

Launch–21 Oct 2023  Venue–SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota  Agency–ISRO Payload – Crew Module, Crew Escape System

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The Flight Test Vehicle Abort Mission-1 (TV-D1) demonstrated the performance of the Crew Escape System of the Gaganyaan project.

Saturday's TV-D1 flight demonstrated, first, the new Test Vehicle - this is the reason why the test has been named Test Vehicle-Demonstration 1 (TV-D1).

While the full-fledged test flight of the crew module into space and back will be carried out on the human rated LVM3 rocket (an upgraded version of the heavy lift GSLV Mk III rocket) in 2024.

For the TV-D1 mission, ISRO is using a low-cost basic rocket it has built specifically to test systems.

The purpose of this mission was to demonstrate the crew escape system for the Gaganyaan program through a test vehicle demonstration in which the vehicle went up to a Mach number.